
Literally just screaming


Welcome to my webpage! I'm new to web programming so things might break here and there, but most buttons and things should be working so have a look around.

I'm primarily using this site as a sort of portfolio/experiment and a learning experience for programming. Links to my primary socials (places i tend to check more often than not) in the footers of every page here. My interests tend to drive what i do and after a crash and burn from a place i was hanging out i dived headfirst into web programming out of sheer curiosity, being no stranger to backend stuff and programming with game development (I'm a Technical artist) and so far i've been having fun with it.

That being said I know this page looks badd, i'm still tweaking the Stylesheet as i learn, eventually this won't just be a wall of text on an orange slab.... i hope so anyway.

Psst, the paw in the footer changes the theme, in case you're sick of seeing orange!